Wednesday, March 30, 2011

EcoTower Observation #1 3.25.11

1. One Betta fish - alive
Two Snails - alive
Six Crickets - dead
Three Worms - buried in dirt unseen

2. We think the fish and snails are still alive because they are able to survive off the algae and the oxygen from the water. The crickets are dead because, we believe, the carbon cycle failed. We were unable to see the worms to observe if they were dead or not.

3. Three bean seeds - alive
One plant - alive
One plant - dead
Algae - alive

4. We think the bean seeds grew because they were able to grow roots in the soil. The soil stayed moist to bring the seeds alive. One of the plants that was given to us by Mr. Jennings, grew successfully. But the other plant died because the roots were unable to grow into the soil. The algae is still alive because it is in the water, providing it with moisture and oxygen.

5. The water changed color due to the rocks, algae, and the fish. When we sealed our EcoTower, it was clear but now it has a yellowish tint.

I didn't expect for the crickets to die. I thought our carbon cycle would have worked to keep them alive since most of our plants stayed alive.

7. Prediction: Our fish and snails will stay alive but our water will continue to change color. The bean seeds will continue to grow and come through the cap into the bottom of our EcoTower. Since the worms are unseen at the moment, I believe they are alive providing the soil with nutrients and vise versa.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Signs of Spring

Sign #1:

See: Purple berries in a patch of briars.
Hear: Small breeze through the trees and birds chirping.
Feel: Sun beaming down, wind blowing lightly, and nice temperature.

Sign #2:

See: Female and male cones with pollen on them. They were found on the edge of the lake.
Hear: Wind blowing in the trees and birds flying over cawing.
Feel: Wind getting a little stronger and the nice weather with a temperature of 54 degrees.

Also at sign #2, the sign of Spring is the red tree buds.

Sign #3:

See: A small tree in the middle of bigger trees with both old and new growths. As you can see in the picture there are brown stems and pinkish redish branches. (those are the new growth)
Hear: Wind blowing through the trees.
Feel: Sunny weather and the sun rays producing heat.

Also at sign #3 we saw a orange butterfly on the side of a tree. This is a very good sign of Spring!

Sign #4:

See: Red buds on tree and several other trees. There are also patches of dead grass along with patches of new grass.
Hear: The wind blowing through the trees.
Feel: The wind is getting a little colder while in the shade. But when we are not in the shade the sun still makes it hot.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

EcoTower - Sealing Day

Why did we do this project?
We were assigned this project to learn how to manage the different cycles and to use abiotic and biotic factors. We are also learning how to classify the energy pyramid with the different consumers and the producers.

Group Members: TJ Jenkins and Travis Jackson.

TJ - gravel and the bottom bottle.
Travis - soil, caulk gun, and caulk.
Emily - top bottle, duct tape, strainer piece, crickets, worms, betta fish, snails, and grass.
Mrs. Richardson provided the algae :)
Mr. Jennings provided us with our different plants :)

What were the three cycles we had to make sure were operational?
The water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles.

What are the plants and animals in our EcoTower?
We have a betta fish, snails, crickets, and worms.
Mr. Jennings provided us with different plants with names we cannot remember.

I did what I was supposed to and did not sneak a peek :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Succession and Abiotic Factors - Partners: Emily R. Seay & David Shoupe

On Tuesday, March 9, 2011 our Ecology class was assigned, by Mrs. Richardson, to do a lab outside. In order to complete this lab we had 6 sites to go to and figure out the height (cm) of an object that was specified and we had to record the temperature (C) of that location.
Our first site was Air Temperature: Of course since it is an abiotic factor we were unable to measure it because well air temperature is everywhere. It's impossible. The temperature, we recorded, was 22 degrees Celcius.
Site #2: Black Top 

We were unable to put a height to black top because there is no way of doing that. We placed the thermometer on the black top and the temperature went up one degree from the air temperature. It was recorded as 23 degrees Celsius.

Site #3: Bare Soil
We walked onto the baseball field and walked into the dugout in search for bare soil as our next site. We placed the thermometer on the bare soil and we recorded the temperature to be 17 degrees Celsius. We deteremined that the ground has a cooler temperature than pavement. We also found dead grass to measure beside our location of bare soil and it came out to be 2 cm.

Site #4: Grass
For our next site we found a patch of grass to determine the height and temperature. The temperature we recorded went down 2 degrees to 15 degrees Celsius. The tallest patch of grass around our site was 7.5 cm.

Site #5: Shrub
For our fifth site, it was a little more difficult to sit the thermometer on the shrub without in falling and also getting the height of the shrub only using a ruler. But we had to make due with what we had. We sat the thermometer in the shrub as best as we could and the temperature ended up being 12 degrees Celcius. I determined that the shrub was this temperature because previously it had rained and there could have been dew left on the shrub and also with the cold weather. Me and my partner, David Shoupe, recorded the height to be 3 ft. and 4 inches. We had to convert this to centimeters --> 141 cm.

Site #6: Trees
Our last site we had to do was a little difficult. We had to find a tree and like all the other sites we had to determine the temperature and the height. Like I said before all we had was a small thermometer and a ruler so we had to record this tree with the materials we had. We had to lay the thermometer up against the tree as best we could and we recorded the temperature to be 14 degrees Celsuis. To record the height we had to put the ruler up against the tree at breast height. The tree was determined to be 50 cm.

Out of all these sites the control was air temperature. In order for this lab to be successful we had to have air temperature. One important biotic factor that influenced surface temperature at each site was the trees. The trees produced shade to make the temperature go down.